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安全 is our number one value

Our goal is for our pipeline and energy facilities to operate 安全 every day so that the public, our workforce and the environment aren’t affected by an incident involving our assets. 安全 is, and always will be, our number one value.

A safety record that stands out

We believe zero is real, and today—for us—zero means: All harm, loss and incidents are preventable.

Our employee and 承包商 safety performance stands out in our industry. 以下是概述.


Occupational health and safety

We take a holistic approach to occupational health and safety, with multiple complementary programs that address the workplace and home, the individual and family and our workforce, comprised of employees and 承包商s. We allow no compromise in the welfare of our workforce, making health and safety integral to planning and execution and a priority in the field, in our offices and in the boardroom.

访问我们的 HSE Field Orientation External 承包商 website.

了解更多 in our latest Report on 可持续性



A key component of our strategy to keep health and safety top-of-mind around-the-clock is our commitment to a positive safety culture. By continually modelling and reinforcing safe practices on our work sites, we’re working toward a goal of zero workplace incidents. 

Our Life Saving Rules help support our safety culture:

  1. Drive 安全 and without distraction
  2. Use the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
  3. Conduct a pre Job 安全 Analysis (JSA)
  4. Work with a valid work permit when required
  5. Obtain authorization before entering a confined space
  6. Verify isolation before work begins
  7. Protect ourselves against a fall when working at heights
  8. Follow prescribed lift plans and techniques
  9. Control excavations and ground disturbances


At TC Energy, safety extends beyond the jobsite. One of our initiatives, our 安全24/7计划, encourages a holistic culture of safety with a forum for sharing off-the-job incidents, safety training for extended family, information for home and recreational safety and tips for protecting the environment.

了解更多 about our commitment to safeguard and protect our people, 承包商s and the communities where we live and work.

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CASE STUDY: Carrying out safety every day

安全文化 is shared beliefs and perceptions about safety, 在TC能源公司, safety extends far past our work sites to ensure our entire workforce makes safety the highest value in their everyday lives.

A strong safety culture exists when it becomes a disciplined and ingrained approach to how people work and live. Throughout 2017, teams across the company created ways to promote safety at TC Energy:

克雷格·法洛斯, 估计经理, wanted to encourage his employees to keep safety first and foremost even after they leave the office. 要做到这一点, he asked his team to create a Personal 安全 Plan (PSP) to be shared with the group made of three to six safety goals with 100 per cent participation.

  • 戴夫Kohlenberg, 法律副总裁, developed a five-week Winter 安全 Awareness campaign with his team to drive home the point that safety isn’t relegated to the field; office employees also need to put safety first. For those not living in a northern climate, reminders such as checking smoke detector batteries, were shared to ensure relevance to the entire group.

  • Canadian Gas Operations vice-president, 布莱斯的主, also launched a multi-week safety initiative partnering with TC Energy’s 安全 Culture team. The leaders in this team helped develop field specific safety resources to roll out each week in October. Focused on several key field activities like safe driving and diagnosing fatigue and distraction, the ‘Spotlight on 安全 Initiative’ not only encouraged individuals to commit to safe behaviours and routines, it also prompted workers to watch out for each other.

  • The pursuit of safety is something that TC Energy takes seriously and we will continue to keep it top of mind as we work towards our goal of zero safety incidents. This helps us best protect our employees, 承包商s and the public as we provide the energy that North Americans use every day.
