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Seven more reasons to love natural gas!


A natural gas facility with a colorful sky

它是负担得起的, abundant and reliable, 但你知道天然气不仅仅是作为供暖和能源吗? 看看为什么天然气仍然是消费者钱包的一个很好的选择, 环境, the energy transition, the industrial sector and public health.

  1. It’s always been natural 
    As an organic compound, natural gas comes by its ‘natural’ moniker honestly. 人类在几千年前就发现了天然气,有一种理论认为,第一条管道是在公元前500年建造的.C. 在中国. 人们认为,地表渗出的天然气是通过竹笋运输的,用作加热源,使海水沸腾以供消费. Over two thousand years later, in 1785, 英国首先在商业上使用天然气为房屋和路灯照明. 今天的 natural gas is processed to remove water, sand and other compounds to burn more cleanly and efficiently. 
  2. A high-demand, affordable choice
    加拿大和美国.S. 是否拥有丰富的天然气储量,使这种能源在未来几年都能负担得起.  Natural gas’s lower emissions profile, when compared to coal and 木, 也使其成为与液化天然气(LNG)一样有价值的商品,对国际客户来说是一种更清洁的能源. Its ability to supplement solar, 风能和其他间歇性可再生能源作为一种安全可靠的燃料增加了它的吸引力.
  3. Fueling vehicles with compressed natural gas (天然气)
    天然气是唯一能够降低车队碳足迹的燃料之一,同时保持可负担性和可靠性,使天然气成为新兴的燃料, popular alternative fuel for transportation vehicles in North America. And it’s not just transport trucks and buses using 天然气; commercially produced 天然气 引擎 for medium- and heavy-duty vehicles are also coming onto the market. 在美国.S.在美国,沃尔玛(Walmart)和联合包裹(UPS)都是天然气的早期采用者,而在加拿大,电气石石油公司(Tourmaline 石油 Corp .). and California-based Clean Energy Fuels Corp. are building a network of clean fuel stations across Western Canada. 
  4. Using energy from waste 
    Renewable 天然气 (RNG) is sourced from decomposing organic matter – animal waste, waste from landfills, 废水污泥——捕获甲烷以防止其释放到大气中,并将其作为清洁能源进行处理. TC能源公司有16个 RNG互联 包括 Threemile Canyon Farms partnership that collects biogas from 33,000 dairy cows to be processed and used as RNG. 我们还有一个 3 Rivers Energy partnership 它利用杰克·丹尼尔的威士忌蒸馏工艺在林奇堡的一个工厂里制造了RNG, TN.

Cows in a pasture looking at camera

  1. Natural gas fuels industry and provides a raw material for products
    Natural gas is used in 不同的方式 to manufacture cosmetics, 医学, synthetic fibers and plastics, 包括医疗产品,如丙烯酸镜片,以改善白内障患者的视力. It’s also key in producing fertilizer; our 3 Rivers Energy partnership includes using RNG to produce liquid fertilizer for local agriculture demand. 对于希望通过热电联产(CHP)降低成本和排放的制造商来说,天然气也是一种燃料选择。, 这是一种高效的工艺,可以捕获制造过程中产生的多余热量和蒸汽,并将其重新用于系统.
  2. Harnessing 氢
    氢能被认为是低排放的,因为当它燃烧时, the main byproduct is water. Using natural gas to extract is a way to harness this low-emission energy source, which can then be used to generate electricity, 热与电 引擎, most often via fuel cell technology.
  3. Creating a healthier homefront
    When it comes to heating your home, 天然气是一种比使用木材更环保、更健康的选择. 这是因为 releases about 75% more CO2 比天然气更严重,并导致包括苯在内的有毒物质的暴露增加, formaldehyde and fine soot particles.

A family sitting on the couch